This web site provides access to a comprehehsive set of software packages
easing the exploration, modification, comparison, and extension of data
mining and information visualization algorithms. Diverse software packages
were bundled into learning modules. Access to a large-scale data repository,
extensive compute resources, and a growing set of references are provided
as well. It is our hope that the community will adopt this resource to
foster Information Visualization education and research.
This site is work in progress. A very first version of the Information
Visualization Cyberinfrastructure (IVC) was released at IEEE InfoVis 03.
Tutorials and demos were/will be presented at InfoVis 04 and InfoVis
05 in London, IEEE InfoVis
04 in Austin, TX, and Visualization
and Data Analysis 2005 in San Jose, CA.
The Information Visualization Software Repository project was started
in 2000. The repository has since then been used to teach the Information
Visualization class at Indiana University.
Katy Börner, Yuezheng Zhou, and Jason Baumgartner implemented the
very first algorithms. In Summer 2003, Jason Baumgartner, Nihar Sheth,
and Nathan J. Deckard lead a project to design a XML toolkit that enables
the serialization and parallelization of commonly used data analysis and
visualization algorithms. In Summer 2004, Shashikant Penumarthy and Bruce
W. Herr master minded the current IVC framework. Josh Bonner and Laura
Northrup were involved in the implementation of the IVC and Hardik Sheth
and Jeegar Maru implemented and integrated the first data modeling and
analysis algorithms. Elijah Wright provided extensive administrative support.
Maggie B. Swan and Caroline Courtney were of invaluable help for the design,
proof reading and validation of the diverse online documentations.
Support comes from the School of Library and Information Science, Indiana
University's High Performance Network Applications Program, a Pervasive
Technology Lab Fellowship, an Academic Equipment Grant by SUN Microsystems,
and an SBC (formerly Ameritech) Fellow Grant. This material is based upon
work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-0333623
and IIS-0238261.

Visualization Cyberinfrastructure @ SLIS,
Indiana University
Last Modified June 28th, 2005