69798|Young Soloists Award|VSA arts|Other Nonprofit|November 01, 2002|Anticipated deadline. The record will be updated when new program information becomes available.||||The award recognizes outstanding young musicians with disabilities, ages 25 and under.|Unrestricted|District of Columbia|Graduate Student; Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional; Persons With Disabilities; Undergraduate Student|The VSA arts Young Soloists Award recognizes outstanding young musicians who have exhibited exceptional talents as vocalists or instrumentalists. Each year, a committee of music professionals selects four award recipients to receive scholarship funds and the opportunity to perform at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The Panasonic Young Soloists Award, given annually to musicians who reside in the United States, is generously sponsored by the Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company. The Rosemary Kennedy International Young Soloists Award, for musicians who reside outside the United States, is sponsored by the Kennedy Center Education Department through the Rosemary Kennedy Education Fund.||VSA arts 1300 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 700|Washington|District of Columbia|20036|USA|+1 (800) 933-8721 TTY +1 (202) 737-0645|+1 (202) 737-0725|soloists@vsarts.org|http://www.vsarts.org/programs/ysp/index.html|April 05, 2002|http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=69798|Choral Music; Music; Orchestral Music 313| 69799|'Expressing Freedom' Call for Entries|VSA arts|Other Nonprofit|June 15, 2002||$1,000|$10,000|The grand prize is $10,000; first award is $5,000; second award is $3,000. Seven awards of excellence, $1,000 each, will also be awarded.|Expressing Freedom is a juried exhibition open to young artists from 16 to 25 living in the United States who have a physical, cognitive, or mental disability. A disability is defined as an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.|United States|United States|Graduate Student; Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional; Persons With Disabilities; Undergraduate Student|'Expressing Freedom' a national juried exhibition for young artists with disabilities. The exhibition is sponsored by VSA arts with generous assistance from Volkswagen of America, Inc. Art entries should illustrate some aspect of 'Expressing Freedom' as it relates to the artist. The sponsors are interested in both representational and abstract works that celebrate the inspirations in young artists' lives, and in work that depicts what motivates them to express themselves through art, i.e., a life experience, a mentor, or a teacher. Artwork may also illustrate the artist's feelings toward his or her disability or toward learning to live with that disability. The art might represent their self-image or concepts such as healing, rehabilitation, mobility, strength, movement, hope, wellness, or independence. Art must be an original work that has been completed in the last three years. Eligible media include paintings and drawings (oil, watercolor, acrylic, pencil, or charcoal), fine art prints (lithographs, etching, intaglio, or woodcuts), photography, and two-dimensional mixed media. Artwork should not exceed 60 inches in either direction.||VSA arts 1300 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 700|Washington|District of Columbia|20036|USA|+1 (800) 933-8721, ext. 3877|+1 (202) 737-0725|voa@vsarts.org|http://www.vsarts.org/gallery/callsforart/vw/index.html|May 13, 2002|http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=69799|Visual Arts 314| 69798|Young Soloists Award|VSA arts|Other Nonprofit|November 01, 2002|Anticipated deadline. The record will be updated when new program information becomes available.||||The award recognizes outstanding young musicians with disabilities, ages 25 and under.|Unrestricted|District of Columbia|Graduate Student; Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional; Persons With Disabilities; Undergraduate Student|The VSA arts Young Soloists Award recognizes outstanding young musicians who have exhibited exceptional talents as vocalists or instrumentalists. Each year, a committee of music professionals selects four award recipients to receive scholarship funds and the opportunity to perform at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The Panasonic Young Soloists Award, given annually to musicians who reside in the United States, is generously sponsored by the Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company. The Rosemary Kennedy International Young Soloists Award, for musicians who reside outside the United States, is sponsored by the Kennedy Center Education Department through the Rosemary Kennedy Education Fund.||VSA arts 1300 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 700|Washington|District of Columbia|20036|USA|+1 (800) 933-8721 TTY +1 (202) 737-0645|+1 (202) 737-0725|soloists@vsarts.org|http://www.vsarts.org/programs/ysp/index.html|April 05, 2002|http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=69798|Choral Music; Music; Orchestral Music 39| 69799|'Expressing Freedom' Call for Entries|VSA arts|Other Nonprofit|June 15, 2002||$1,000|$10,000|The grand prize is $10,000; first award is $5,000; second award is $3,000. Seven awards of excellence, $1,000 each, will also be awarded.|Expressing Freedom is a juried exhibition open to young artists from 16 to 25 living in the United States who have a physical, cognitive, or mental disability. A disability is defined as an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.|United States|United States|Graduate Student; Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional; Persons With Disabilities; Undergraduate Student|'Expressing Freedom' a national juried exhibition for young artists with disabilities. The exhibition is sponsored by VSA arts with generous assistance from Volkswagen of America, Inc. Art entries should illustrate some aspect of 'Expressing Freedom' as it relates to the artist. The sponsors are interested in both representational and abstract works that celebrate the inspirations in young artists' lives, and in work that depicts what motivates them to express themselves through art, i.e., a life experience, a mentor, or a teacher. Artwork may also illustrate the artist's feelings toward his or her disability or toward learning to live with that disability. The art might represent their self-image or concepts such as healing, rehabilitation, mobility, strength, movement, hope, wellness, or independence. Art must be an original work that has been completed in the last three years. Eligible media include paintings and drawings (oil, watercolor, acrylic, pencil, or charcoal), fine art prints (lithographs, etching, intaglio, or woodcuts), photography, and two-dimensional mixed media. Artwork should not exceed 60 inches in either direction.||VSA arts 1300 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 700|Washington|District of Columbia|20036|USA|+1 (800) 933-8721, ext. 3877|+1 (202) 737-0725|voa@vsarts.org|http://www.vsarts.org/gallery/callsforart/vw/index.html|May 13, 2002|http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=69799|Visual Arts 40| 70931|Grants for Dissemination Research of Effective Interventions to Prevent Unintentional Injuries|Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)|Federal, U.S.|June 14, 2002|A letter of intent is optional and may be submitted by May 31, 2002. Applications are due by June 14, 2002.||$750,000|Approximately $500,000 is available in FY 2002 to fund approximately two to three awards for unintentional injury research grant projects addressing dissemination research on home, community, sports and recreation, or transportation injury prevention interventions. It is expected that the awards will begin on or about September 30, 2002, and will be made for a 12-month budget period within a project period of up to three years. The maximum funding level for each project will not exceed $250,000 (including both direct and indirect costs) per year or $750,000 for a three year project period. The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control will also consider applications with project periods of one and two years, and for smaller funding amounts.|Applications may be submitted by public and private nonprofit and for-profit organizations and by governments and their agencies; that is, universities, colleges, research institutions, hospitals, other public and private nonprofit and for-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, state and local governments or their bona fide agents, including the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, Indian tribes, or Indian tribal organizations, and small, minority, and women-owned businesses.|Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Palau; United States|American Samoa; Guam; Marshall Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Northern Mariana Islands; Palau; Puerto Rico; United States; Virgin Islands|Academic Institution or Government or Nonprofit|The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announces the availability of FY 2002 funds for a grant program titled, "Grants for Dissemination Research of Effective Interventions to Prevent Unintentional Injuries". The purposes of the program are to build the scientific base for the prevention of unintentional injuries; encourage professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines such as medicine, health care, public health, health care research, behavioral and social sciences, and others, to undertake research to prevent and control injuries; encourage investigators to propose research that involves the development and testing of dissemination strategies to stimulate individuals, organizations, or communities to adopt and maintain effective interventions; and advance the practice of public health and policy in order to promote health and prevent injury with findings from these projects. CFDA 93.136|Sharon Martin, Deputy Director|Office of Research Grants National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Mailstop K-58|Atlanta|Georgia|30341-3724|USA|+1 (770) 488-4265||sat5@cdc.gov SPONSOR_REFERENCE_NO.: Program Announcement 02126|http://fr.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=20020508a15|May 09, 2002|http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=70931|Health Promotion; Injury Prevention|Research 40|United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES); Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program|Federal, U.S.|The information in this record is based on the most current sponsor literature. In 2002, the deadline for this program was February 20. The record will be updated when new information becomes available.|Those eligible to apply for these grants include all accredited colleges and universities (land-grant and non-land-grant universities).|United States|Unrestricted|Academic Institution or Government or Nonprofit|Jan Singleton, National Program Leader|Food Safety; Food Sciences|Collaboration; Research 41| 44832|Basic Nurse Education and Practice Grants|Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); Bureau of Health Professions|Federal, U.S.||The information in this record is based on the most current sponsor literature. The most recent deadline was January 28, 2002. The record will be updated when new program information becomes available.|||The estimated amount of this competition is $5,060,000. Approximately 22 awards will be made. The estimated size of each award is $230,000. The estimated project period is three years.|Regular eligible applicants for purposes one and five are schools of nursing. Eligible applicants for purposes two, three, four, six, and seven are schools of nursing, nursing centers, academic health centers, state or local governments, and other appropriate public or private nonprofit entities.|United States|United States|Academic Institution or Government or Nonprofit|Grants are awarded to enhance the educational mix and utilization of the basic nursing workforce by strengthening programs that provide basic nurse education, such as through - establishing or expanding nursing practice arrangements in non-institutional settings to demonstrate methods to improve access to primary health care in medically underserved communities; - providing care for underserved populations and other high-risk groups such as the elderly, individuals with HIV/AIDS, substance abusers, the homeless, and victims of domestic violence; - providing managed care, quality improvement, and other skills needed to practice in existing and emerging organized health care systems; - developing cultural competencies among nurses; - expanding the enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs; - promoting career mobility for nursing personnel in a variety of training settings and cross-training or specialty training among diverse population groups; or - providing education for informatics, including distance learning methodologies. CFDA 93.359|Madeline Turkeltaub, Ph.D., C.R.N.P., N.P.|Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building|Rockville|Maryland|20857|USA|+1 (301) 443-6193||mturkeltaub@hrsa.gov|http://fr.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=20010809a2|August 14, 2001|http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=44832|Managed Care; Nurse Practitioner; Nursing; Nursing Education|Program or Curriculum Development or Provision 124|Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); Bureau of Health Professions|Federal, U.S.|The information in this record is based on the most current sponsor literature. The most recent deadline was December 3, 2001. The record will be updated when new program information becomes available.|Eligible applicants are schools of nursing, academic health centers, and appropriate public or private nonprofit entities.|United States|United States|Academic Institution or Government or Nonprofit|Irene Sandvold, Dr.PH., C.N.M., R.N.|Midwifery; Nurse Practitioner; Nursing; Nursing Education|Program or Curriculum Development or Provision 125| 66389|Environmental Grant-Making Focus|Tremaine Foundation, Emily Hall; Environment Programs|Private Foundation||To be announced (TBA). While the program is evolving the foundation is not accepting any unsolicited proposals in the field.|||||United States|United States|Academic Institution or Government or Nonprofit|The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation seeks to build lasting solutions to environmental problems that move society toward sustainability. Currently, the Foundation’s environmental grant-making program is evolving from a tools based focus of consensus building and market transformation techniques to a topic based focus on climate change solutions in Connecticut and open space throughout the United States.||Tremaine Foundation 290 Pratt Street|Meriden|Connecticut|06450|USA|+1 (203) 639-5544|+1 (203) 639-5545||http://www.tremainefoundation.org/environment/default.asp|April 05, 2002|http://fundingopps.cos.com/cgi-bin/getRec?id=66389|Climate Change; Environmental Conservation; Environmental Sciences; Sustainable Development 431|