Databases > National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Award Data Description | Origins | Data Format and Size | Data Quality | Data Cleaning | Acknowledgments
The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds research and education in science and engineering. It does this through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, and other research and/or education institutions in all parts of the United States. The Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of federal support to academic institutions for basic research. Each year, NSF receives approximately 30,000 new or renewal support proposals for research, graduate and postdoctoral fellowships, and math/science/engineering education projects; it makes approximately 9,000 new awards. These typically go to universities, colleges, academic consortia, nonprofit institutions, and small businesses.
In June 2004, a comprehensive set of NSF award data was downloaded from the NSF website, in XML format, via the NSF Award Search. A procedure for automatic retrieval of new award information was put in place at this time. Through the NSF interface, results may be downloaded in sets of 1000 records, in Excel, XML or CSV format. Full records go back as far as 1960. Less complete records from 1952-1975, which are deemed 'historical', are also available through this search mechanism. NFS' Budget Internet Information System provides general statistics of NSF funding.
Raw Data: Please use the NFS Award Search to familiarize yourself with this data set. According to the NSF website, the award numbering scheme is as follows:
To search within a given year, see these guidelines: The NSF search engine treats the award number as just a number, so if you search for award numbers greater than "0000001", you will get all the awards, not just the awards since fiscal year 2000 started. If you want all the awards in fiscal year 2000, you could search for "award numbers between 0000001 and 0099999". Better yet, use the "start date" searches below, which handle dates as dates, and will not have any surprises for you. XML Data Fields: NSF Org varchar2(4000) Statistics: See this Excel file for statistics on the records in our NSF datasets. Storage Space Required: 1985-2005
To see how foreign sponsor addresses are formatted by NSF, please view this list of NSF sponsors lacking a US state abbreviation and the list of country abbreviations used in NSF records.
Files with corrupt abstracts are being flagged.
We would like to thank Michael
Pazzani, Division Director, Information and Intelligent Systems at
NSF for making the set of 1990-2003 NSF data available to us in September
2003. |