PT J AU Ackermann, E TI Bibliometrics of a controversial scientific literature: Polywater research, 1962-1974 SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID ANOMALOUS WATER; BASIC RESEARCH; SELF-CITATION; INDICATORS; FIELD; GROWTH; NETHERLANDS; PUBLICATION; STATISTICS; SCIENCE AB This study examines the bibliometrics of the controversial scientific literature of Polywater research, focusing on publication types (books, journal publications, conference proceedings, and technical reports). Publication (P) frequency is used to measure publication "shape" or pattern and output, citations per publication (CPP) for impact, author self-citations (SC) and uncited publications (UP) for their effect on P and CPP. Findings show an epidemic publication pattern, journal publications with the highest P, books with the highest CPP, and insignificant SC and UP. Comparisons to several non-controversial scientific literatures suggest that these findings may be common to other controversial scientific literatures. C1 Radford Univ, McConnell Lib, Radford, VA 24142 USA. RP Ackermann, E, Radford Univ, McConnell Lib, Radford, VA 24142 USA. EM CR *HISTCITE, 2003, 193 PAP POL HIST COM *I SCI INF INC, 1971, SCI CIT IND 5 YEAR C *I SCI INF INC, 1976, SCI CIT IND 5 YEAR C *I SCI INF INC, 1981, SCI CIT IND 5 YEAR C *I SCI INF INC, 1984, SCI CIT IND 10 YEAR ACKERMANN EG, 2003, UNPUB COMPOSITE BIBL AKSNES DW, 2001, 8 INT C SCIENT INF P, P23 AKSNES DW, 2003, SCIENTOMETRICS, V56, P235 ALLEN LC, 1971, J COLLOID INTERF SCI, V36, P554 AVERSA ES, 1985, SCIENTOMETRICS, V7, P383 BENNION B, 1976, J ASIS, V27, P53 BONZI S, 1991, SCIENTOMETRICS, V21, P245 BUDD J, 1991, SCIENTOMETRICS, V21, P87 BUTLER L, 2001, 8 INT C SCIENT INF P, P89 CZERWON HJ, 1990, SCIENTOMETRICS, V18, P5 DEMAY M, 1992, COGNITIVE PARADIGM I DERYAGIN BV, 1962, DOKL AKAD NAUK SSSR, V47, P403 DERYAGIN BV, 1962, P ACAD SCI USSR PHYS, V147, P808 DERYAGIN BV, 1973, NATURE, V244, P430 DIODATO V, 1990, SCI TECHNOLOGY LIB, V11, P101 DUFOUR C, 1998, P 26 ANN C CAN ASS I, P143 FEDYAKIN NN, 1962, COLLOID J USSSR, V24, P425 FEDYAKIN NN, 1962, KOLLOID ZH, V24, P497 FRANKS F, 1981, POLYWATER GARFIELD E, 1997, CELL DEATH DIFFER, V4, P352 GINGOLD MP, 1973, B SOC CHIM FR, V5, P1629 HAGSTROM WO, 1970, COMMUNICATION SCI EN, P85 LAWSON J, 1980, SCIENTOMETRICS, V2, P227 LEHMANN EJ, 1975, POLYWATER BIBLIOGRAP LIPPINCOTT ER, 1969, SCIENCE, V164, P1482 MAGYAR G, 1974, J DOC, V30, P32 MARTIN BR, 1983, RES POLICY, V12, P61 MARTIN BR, 1996, SCIENTOMETRICS, V36, P343 MEADOWS AJ, 1971, SCI STUD, V1, P95 MEADOWS AJ, 1998, COMMUNICATING RES MOED HF, 1995, SCIENTOMETRICS, V33, P381 MOED HF, 1996, RES POLICY, V25, P819 NOYONS ECM, 1998, RES POLICY, V27, P285 OSEMAN RH, 1988, P ANN C I INF SCI 19, P124 PELZER NL, 2003, J MED LIBR ASSOC, V91, P434 PICHAPPAN P, 2001, 8 INT C SCIENT INF P, P523 PRICE DJD, 1970, COMMUNICATION SCI EN, P3 PRION J, 1973, ANOMALOUS WATER ANNO RINIA EJ, 1998, RES POLICY, V27, P95 SELF PC, 1989, SCIENTOMETRICS, V17, P49 TABAH A, 1995, ASIS 95, P127 TABAH AN, 1995, P 5 BIENN C INT SOC, P555 TSAY MY, 2000, SCIENTOMETRICS, V49, P491 VANRAAN AFJ, 2001, SCI STUDIES PROBING, P87 VANRAAN AFJ, 2002, RES POLICY, V31, P611 NR 50 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 189 EP 208 PG 20 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100001 ER PT J AU Bailon-Moreno, R Jurado-Alameda, E Ruiz-Banos, RR Courtial, JP TI Bibliometric laws: Empirical flaws of fit SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID EXACT FORMULATION; BRADFORDS LAW; LOTKA LAW AB The bibliometric laws of Zipf, Bradford, and Lotka, in their various mathematical expressions, frequently present difficulties in the fitting of empirical values. The empirical flaws of fit take place in the frequency of the words, in the productivity of the authors and the journals, as well as in econometric and demographic aspects. This indicates that the underlying fractal model should be revised, since, as shown, the inverse power equations (of the Zipf-Mandelbrot type) are not adequate, as they need to include exponential terms. These modifications not only affect Bibliometrics and Scientometrics, but also, for the generality of the fractal model, apply to Economy, Demography, and even Natural Sciences in general. C1 Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, Granada 18701, Spain. Univ Granada, Fac Bibliotecon & Documentac, Dept Bibliotecon & Documentac, Granada, Spain. Univ Nantes, LabECD, Nantes, France. RP Bailon-Moreno, R, Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, Campus Fuentenueva, Granada 18701, Spain. EM CR BRADFORD SC, 1934, ENGINEERING-LONDON, V137, P85 BROOKES BC, 1969, NATURE, V224, P653 BROOKES BC, 1979, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V30, P233 BROOKES BC, 1981, J DOC, V37, P77 BROOKES BC, 1984, INFORMATION PROCESSI, V20, P16 CONDON EU, 1928, SCIENCE, V68, P1733 EGGHE L, 1985, J DOC, V41, P173 EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q EGGHE L, 1990, J INFORM SCI, V16, P17 EVARISTO JC, 1993, DIFUSION LIT CIENTIF FEDEROWICZ JE, 1982, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V33, P223 FEDEROWICZ JE, 1982, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V33, P285 FERREIROALAEZ L, 1980, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN, V3, P201 GROOS OV, 1967, AM DOC, V18, P46 LEIMKUHLER FF, 1967, J DOC, V23, P197 LEIMKUHLER FF, 1980, J DOC, V36, P285 LOTKA AJ, 1926, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY, V16, P317 MANDELBROT B, 1953, COMMUN THEORY, P486 MANDELBROT BB, 1954, WORD, V11, P424 MANDELBROT BB, 1977, FRACTAL GEOMETRY NAT MANDLEBROT BB, 1954, FRACTAL GEOMETRY NAT, V11, P424 MEADOW CT, 1993, J INF SCI, V19, P247 PAO ML, 1985, INFORM PROCESS MANAG, V21, P305 PRICE DJD, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI ROUSSEAU R, 1987, J DOC, V43, P322 ROUSSEAU R, 1988, LIBRARY SCI SLANT DO, V25, P150 RUIZBANOS R, 1997, THESIS U GRANADA RUIZBANOS R, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P235 ZIPF GK, 1949, HUMAN BEHAV PRICIPLE NR 29 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 209 EP 229 PG 21 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100002 ER PT J AU Bailon-Moreno, R Jurado-Alameda, E Ruiz-Banos, R Courtial, JP TI The unified scientometric model. Fractality and transfractality SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; EXACT FORMULATION; BRADFORDS LAW; LOTKA LAW; OBSOLESCENCE; GROWTH; DYNAMICS; TRANSLATION; COCITATIONS; NETWORKS AB A unified scientometric model has been developed on the basis of seven principles: the actor-network principle, the translation principle, the spatial principle, the quantativity principle, the composition principle, the centre-periphery or nucleation principle, and the unified principle of cumulative advantages. The paradigm of the fractal model has been expanded by introducing the concept of fractality index and transfractality. In this work, as the first demonstration of the power of the model proposed, all the bibliometric laws known and all their mathematical expressions are deduced, both the structural distributions (Zipf, Bradford and Lotka) as well as the Price's Law of the exponential growth of science and Brookes' and Avramescu's Laws of ageing. C1 Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, Granada 18701, Spain. Univ Granada, Fac Bibliotecon & Documentac, Dept Bibliotecon & Documentac, Granada, Spain. Univ Nantes, LabECD, Nantes, France. RP Bailon-Moreno, R, Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, Campus Fuentenueva, Granada 18701, Spain. EM CR AVERSA ES, 1985, SCIENTOMETRICS, V7, P383 AVRAMESCU A, 1979, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V30, P296 BAILONMORENO R, 2003, THESIS U GRANADA GRA BRADFORD SC, 1934, ENGINEERING-LONDON, V137, P85 BRADFORD SC, 1985, J INFORMATION SCI, V10, P173 BROOKES BC, 1969, NATURE, V224, P653 BROOKES BC, 1970, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V21, P320 BROOKES BC, 1971, NATURE, V232, P458 BROOKES BC, 1979, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V30, P233 BROOKES BC, 1981, J DOC, V37, P77 BROOKES BC, 1983, J INFORMATION SCI, V6, P147 BROOKES BC, 1984, J DOC, V40, P120 BROOKES BC, 1985, J INFORMATION SCI, V10, P173 BURRELL QL, 1988, J DOC, V44, P1 BURTON RE, 1960, AM DOC, V11, P18 CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI CALLON M, 1989, SCI RESEAUX GENESE C CALLON M, 1991, SCIENTOMETRICS, V22, P155 CALLON M, 1995, C OUV CTR SOC THEOR CALLON M, 1995, CIENCIOMETRIA MED AC CHEN YS, 1989, INFORM PROCESS MANAG, V25, P527 CONDON EU, 1928, SCIENCE, V68, P1733 COURTIAL JP, 1989, SCIENTOMETRICS, V15, P527 COURTIAL JP, 1990, INTRO SCIENTOMETRIE COURTIAL JP, 1994, SCIENTOMETRICS, V31, P173 COURTIAL JP, 1994, SCIENTOMETRICS, V31, P251 COURTIAL JP, 1997, DOCUMENTALISTE SCI I, V34, P135 COURTIAL JP, 1997, SCIENTOMETRICS, V40, P333 COURTIAL JP, 1999, THEOR PSYCHOL, V9, P579 DIODATO V, 1993, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V44, P101 EGGHE L, 1985, J DOC, V41, P173 EGGHE L, 1992, INFORM PROCESS MANAG, V28, P201 EGGHE L, 1992, SCIENTOMETRICS, V25, P5 EGGHE L, 1993, SCIENTOMETRICS, V27, P195 EGGHE L, 1995, SCIENTOMETRICS, V34, P285 FEDEROWICZ JE, 1982, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V33, P223 FEDEROWICZ JE, 1982, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V33, P285 FERREIROALAEZ L, 1980, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN, V3, P201 GAPEN DK, 1981, LIBR TRENDS, V30, P107 GRIFFITH BC, 1979, J DOC, V35, P179 GROOS OV, 1967, AM DOC, V18, P46 HONGZHOU Z, 1985, SCIENTOMETRICS, V8, P59 JIMENEZCONTRERA.E, 1992, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN, V15, P174 JULIA G, 1968, OEUVRES GASTON JULIA JURADOALAMEDA E, 2002, ING QUIM, V34, P141 JURADOALAMEDA E, 2002, ING QUIM, V34, P177 LATOUR B, 1983, SCI OBSERVED PERSPEC LATOUR B, 1992, CIENCIA ACCION COMO LATOUR B, 1993, NUNCA HEMOS SIDO MOD LATOUR B, 1995, VIDA LAB CONSTRUCCIO LEIMKUHLER FF, 1967, J DOC, V23, P197 LEIMKUHLER FF, 1980, J DOC, V36, P285 LOOZE MD, 1997, SCIENTOMETRICS, V39, P267 LOPEZPINERO JM, 1973, HACIA CIENCIA CIENCI LORENZ EN, 1963, J ATMOS SCI, V20, P130 LOTKA AJ, 1926, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY, V16, P317 MANDELBROT B, 1951, CR HEBD ACAD SCI, V232, P2003 MANDELBROT B, 1953, COMMUN THEORY, P486 MANDELBROT BB, 1951, CR HEBD ACAD SCI, V232, P1638 MANDELBROT BB, 1954, WORD, V11, P424 MANDELBROT BB, 1977, FRACTAL GEOMETRY NAT MICHELET B, 1988, THESIS U PARIS 7 PAR NOYER JM, 1995, INFORMATION SOLARIS, V2 PAO ML, 1985, INFORM PROCESS MANAG, V21, P305 PRICE DJ, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI PRICE DJD, 1976, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V27, P292 RIP A, 1984, SCIENTOMETRICS, V6, P381 ROUSSEAU R, 1987, J DOC, V43, P322 ROUSSEAU R, 1988, LIBRARY SCI SLANT DO, V25, P150 ROUSSEAU R, 1994, J DOC, V50, P134 RUIZBANOS R, 1995, 8 JORN BIBL AND HUEL, P279 RUIZBANOS R, 1996, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN, V19, P39 RUIZBANOS R, 1997, B ASOCIACION ANDALUZ, V46, P57 RUIZBANOS R, 1997, THESIS U GRANADA RUIZBANOS R, 1998, B ASOCIACION ANDALUZ, V53, P43 RUIZBANOS R, 1999, ACT 4 C ISKO ESP EOC, P193 RUIZBANOS R, 1999, B ASOCIACION ANDALUZ, V54, P59 RUIZBANOS R, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P217 RUIZBANOS R, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P235 SIERPINSKI W, 1916, COMPTES RENDUS, P629 SUTTER M, 2001, SCIENTOMETRICS, V51, P405 TAGUE J, 1981, LIBR TRENDS, V30, P125 VANRAAN AFJ, 1990, NATURE, V347, P626 VANRAAN AFJ, 1990, SCIENTOMETRICS, V20, P439 WALLACE DP, 1986, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V37, P136 WHITTAKER J, 1988, COWORD ANAL KEELE PR ZIPF GK, 1949, HUMAN BEHAV PRINCIPL NR 87 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 231 EP 257 PG 27 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100003 ER PT J AU Bailon-Moreno, R Jurado-Alameda, E Ruiz-Banos, R Courtial, JP TI Analysis of the field of physical chemistry of surfactants with the Unified Scienctometric Model. Fit of relational and activity indicators SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID CO-WORD ANALYSIS; SCIENTIFIC NETWORKS; DYNAMICS AB By the information system of CoPalRed© and with the treatment of 63,543 bibliographical references of scientific articles, the field of surfactants has been analysed in the light of the Unified Scientometric Model. It was found that the distributions of actors (countries, centres, and research laboratories, journals, researchers, key words of documents) fit Zif's Unified Law better than the Zipf-Mandelbrot Law. The model showed an especially good fit for relational indicators such as density and centrality. Using the Unified Bradford Law, the three zones fit were: core, straight fraction, and Groos droop. The fractality index was used to verify that Science can present fractal as well as transfractal structures. In conclusion, the Unified Scientometric Model is, for its flexibility and its integrating capacity, an appropriate model for representing Science, joining non-relational with relational Scientometrics under the same paradigm. C1 Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, Granada 18701, Spain. Univ Granada, Fac Bibliotecon & Documentac, Dept Bibliotecon & Documentac, Granada, Spain. Univ Nantes, LabECD, Nantes, France. RP Bailon-Moreno, R, Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, Campus Fuentenueva, Granada 18701, Spain. EM CR BAILONMORENO R, 2003, THESIS U GRANADA GRA CALLON M, 1983, SOC SCI INFORM, V22, P191 CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI CALLON M, 1991, SCIENTOMETRICS, V22, P155 COURTIAL JP, 1960, INTRO SCIENTOMETRIE COURTIAL JP, 1990, SCIENTOMETRICS, V19, P127 JIMENEZCONTRERA.E, 1992, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN, V15, P174 LATOUR B, 1992, CIENCIA ACCION COMO LATOUR B, 1995, VIDA LAB CONSTRUCCIO MANDELBROT B, 1977, FRACTAL GEOMETRY NAT RUIZBANOS R, 1999, ACT 4 C ISKO ESP EOC, P193 RUIZBANOS R, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P217 RUIZBANOS R, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P235 NR 13 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 259 EP 276 PG 18 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100004 ER PT J AU Egghe, L TI An explanation of disproportionate growth using linear 3-dimensional informetrics and its relation with the fractal dimension SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article AB We study new and existing data sets which show that growth rates of sources usually are different from growth rates of items. Examples: references in publications grow with a rate that is different (usually higher) from the growth rate of the publications themselves; article growth rates are different from journal growth rates and so on. In this paper we interpret this phenomenon of "disproportionate growth"; in terms of Naranan's growth model and in terms of the self-similar fractal dimension of such an information system, which follows from Naranan's growth model. The main part of the paper is devoted to explain disproportionate growth. We show that the "simple" 2-dimensional informetrics models of source-item relations are not able to explain this but we also show that linear 3-dimensional informetrics (i.e. adding a new source set) is capable to model disproportionate growth. Formulae of such different growth rates are presented using Lotkaian informetrics and new and existing data sets are presented and interpreted in terms of the used linear 3-dimensional model. C1 Limburgs Univ Ctr, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium. Univ Instelling Antwerp, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium. RP Egghe, L, Limburgs Univ Ctr, Univ Campus, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium. EM CR EGGHE L, 1989, THESIS CITY U LONDON EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q EGGHE L, 1990, J INFORM SCI, V16, P17 EGGHE L, 2003, P 9 INT C SCIENT INF, P47 EGGHE L, 2004, IN PRESS J AM SOC IN EGGHE L, 2004, SCIENTOMETRICS, V60, P497 EGGHE L, 2004, SCIENTOMETRICS, V61, P103 EGGHE L, 2005, POWER LAWS INFORMATI FALCONER KJ, 1985, GEOMETRY FRACTAL SET FEDER J, 1988, FRACTALS MANDELBROT B, 1977, FRACTAL GEOMETRY NAT NARANAN S, 1970, NATURE, V227, P631 PERSSON O, 2003, P 9 INT C SCIENT INF, P411 WU Y, 2003, P 9 INT C SCI INF DA, P352 NR 14 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 277 EP 296 PG 20 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100005 ER PT J AU Bornmann, L Daniel, HD TI Selection of research fellowship recipients by committee peer review. Reliability, fairness and predictive validity of Board of Trustees' decisions SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID GRANT PROPOSALS; STANDS TODAY; SCIENCE; BIAS; MANUSCRIPT; JOURNALS; QUALITY; ATTRIBUTES; ARTICLES; RATINGS AB In science, peer review is the best-established method of assessing manuscripts for publication and applications for research fellowships and grants. However, the fairness of peer review, its reliability and whether it achieves its aim to select the best science and scientists has often been questioned. The paper presents the first comprehensive study on committee peer review for the selection of doctoral (Ph.D.) and post-doctoral research fellowship recipients. We analysed the selection procedure followed by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (B.I.F.), a foundation for the promotion of basic research in biomedicine, with regard to the reliability, fairness and predictive validity of the procedure - the three quality criteria for professional evaluations. We analysed a total of 2,697 applications, 1,954 for doctoral and 743 for post-doctoral fellowships. In 76% of the cases, the fellowship award decision was characterized by agreement between reviewers. Similar figures for reliability have been reported for the grant selection procedures of other major funding agencies. With regard to fairness, we analysed whether potential sources of bias, i.e., gender, nationality, major field of study and institutional affiliation, could have influenced decisions made by the B.I.F. Board of Trustees. For post-doctoral fellowship applications, no statistically significant influence of any of these variables could be observed. For doctoral fellowship applications, we found evidence of an institutional, major field of study and gender bias, but not of a nationality bias. The most important aspect of our study was to investigate the predictive validity of the procedure, i.e., whether the foundation achieves its aim to select as fellowship recipients the best junior scientists. Our bibliometric analysis showed that this is indeed the case and that the selection procedure is thus highly valid: research articles by B.I.F. fellows are cited considerably more often than the "average" paper (average citation rate) published in the journal sets corresponding to the fields "Multidisciplinary", "Molecular Biology & Genetics", and "Biology & Biochemistry" in Essential Science Indicators (ESI) from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). Most of the fellows publish within these fields. C1 ETH, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland. Univ Zurich, Evaluat Off, Zurich, Switzerland. RP Bornmann, L, ETH, Zaehringerstr 24, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland. EM CR *I SCI INF, 2002, ISI ESS SCI IND V1 0 *NAT SCI FDN, 2000, REP NAT SCI BOARD NA *STAT CORP, 2003, STAT STAT SOFTW REL *US GEN ACC OFF, 1999, PEER REV PRACT FED S *WELC TRUST, 2001, REV WELLC TRUST PHD ABATE T, 1995, ETHICS RES, V1, P1 ABRAMOWITZ SI, 1975, J APPLIED SOCIAL PSY, V5, P187 BAXT WG, 1998, ANN EMERG MED 1, V32, P310 BLOSSFELD HP, 2002, TECHNIQUES EVENT HIS BORNMANN L, 2003, U PRUFSTAND KONZEPTE, P211 BORNMANN L, 2004, BIF FUTURA, V19, P7 BORNMANN L, 2004, SCIENTOMETRICS, V61, P19 BORNMANN L, 2004, STIFTUNGSPROPHETEN W BROUNS M, 2000, HIGHER ED EUROPE, V25, P193 CAMPANARIO JM, 1998, SCI COMMUN, V19, P181 CAMPANARIO JM, 1998, SCI COMMUN, V19, P277 CHAPMAN GB, 1994, EDUC PSYCHOL MEAS, V54, P428 CHUBIN DE, 1982, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V5, P204 CICCHETTI DV, 1991, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V14, P119 CLEVELAND WS, 1979, J AM STAT ASSOC, V74, P829 COLE JR, 2000, FESTSCHRIFT HONOR E, P281 COLE S, 1967, AM SOCIOL REV, V32, P377 COLE S, 1991, OUTER CIRCLE WOMEN S, P205 COLE S, 1992, MAKING SCI NATURE SO CONROY RM, 2002, STATA J, V2, P290 DANIEL HD, 1993, GUARDIANS SCI FAIRNE DEMICHELI V, 2004, COCAHRANE LIB DUNCAN GJ, 2003, CURR SOCIOL, V51, P529 EISENHART M, 2002, RES SCI EDUC, V32, P241 ENDERS J, 2001, KARRIERE DOKTORTIEL FINN CE, 2002, ED WEEK, V21, P30 FLEISS JL, 1982, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V5, P210 FROHLICH H, 2001, BIF FUTURA, V16, P69 GODLEE F, 2003, PEER REV HLTH SCI, P91 GOODMAN SN, 1994, ANN INTERN MED, V121, P11 HACKETT EJ, 2003, PEER REV ED RES GRAN HAGSTROM WO, 1965, SCI COMMUNITY HARTMANN I, 1990, SCIENTOMETRICS, V19, P419 HODGSON C, 1997, J CLIN EPIDEMIOL, V50, P1189 HOJAT M, 2003, ADV HEALTH SCI EDUC, V8, P75 HONIG WM, 1982, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V5, P216 HORROBIN DF, 2001, TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI, V22, P51 HOSMER DW, 2000, APPL LOGISTIC REGRES INCE M, 1991, TIMES HIGHER ED SUPP, V955, P85 JAYASINGHE UW, 2003, J ROY STAT SOC A S 3, V166, P279 KLAHR D, 1985, AM PSYCHOL, V40, P148 KOSTOFF RN, 1997, SCI ENG ETHICS, V3, P19 LANGFELDT L, 2004, RES EVALUAT, V13, P51 LOCK S, 1985, DIFFICULT BALANCE PE MAHONEY MJ, 1977, COGNITIVE THERAPY RE, V1, P161 MANDER A, 1999, STAT TECHNICAL B, V51, P16 MAVIS B, 2003, ACAD MED, V78, P757 MCCLELAN JE, 2003, T AM PHILOS SOC, V93, R8 MERTON RK, 1948, ANTIOCH REV, V8, P193 MERTON RK, 1968, SCIENCE, V159, P56 MORAN G, 1998, SILENCING SCI SCHOLA MOSTELLER F, 1977, DATA ANAL REGRESSION NYLENNA M, 1994, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V272, P149 OVERBEKE J, 2003, PEER REV HLTH SCI, P45 OWEN R, 1982, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V247, P2533 PETERS DP, 1982, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V5, P187 PIERIE JPEN, 1996, LANCET, V348, P1480 POLANYI M, 1966, TACIT DIMENSION PRUTHI S, 1997, J SCI IND RES INDIA, V56, P398 RABEHESKETH S, 2004, HDB STAT ANAL USING RENNIE D, 2003, PEER REV HLTH SCI, P76 ROSS PF, 1980, SCI SELF MANAGEMENT ROY R, 1985, SCI TECHNOL, V52, P73 RUBIN DB, 1986, J AM STAT ASSOC, V81, P366 RUBIN DB, 1987, MULTIPLE IMPUTATION SCHAFER JL, 2000, ANAL INCOMPLETE MULT SHADISH WR, 1989, PSYCHOL SCI CONTRIBU, P383 SHARP DW, 1990, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V263, P1390 SONNERT G, 1995, SOC STUD SCI, V25, P35 TIJSSEN RJW, 2002, MAPPING SCI PERFORMA VANRAAN A, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V45, P417 VANRAAN AFJ, 2004, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI, P19 WARD JE, 1998, MED J AUSTRALIA, V169, P623 WEINGART P, 2001, STUNDE WAHRHEIT VERH WELLER AC, 2002, EDITORIAL PEER REV I WENNERAS C, 1997, NATURE, V387, P341 WESSELY S, 1998, LANCET, V352, P301 WILSON JD, 1978, J CLIN INVEST, V61, P1697 WOOD FQ, 2003, PEER REV HLTH SCI, P14 NR 84 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 297 EP 320 PG 24 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100006 ER PT J AU Kim, MJ TI Korean science and international collaboration, 1995-2000 SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS; CO-AUTHORSHIP; PATTERNS; PUBLICATIONS; COOPERATION; PHYSICS AB This paper investigates Korean scientific output, focusing on international collaboration patterns, through an analysis of journal publications. For the study, 44,534 publications, published by researchers affiliated with Korean institutions and indexed by SCI during the six years 1995-2000, were considered. The study period was divided into two periods to compare the international collaboration for three years 1995-1997 and 1998-2000. The results show a clear decrease in Korea's international collaboration level between the study periods even though the number of researchers as well as the total R&D expenditure decreased considerably after Korea's economic change. The decrease of international collaboration in Korean science was inversely associated with different determinants such as scientific size as well as national scientific infrastructure. This decreasing trend of international collaboration in Korean science was largely caused by discipline-to-discipline variations in coverage of the SCI database. Among the top-ten collaborating countries, only the Chinese and the Canadian share of collaborative publications with Korea increased between the two periods under consideration. C1 Jeonju Univ, Dept Lib & Informat Sci, Jeonju, South Korea. RP Kim, MJ, Saemmori Apt 203-1203,Dunsan2 Dong 908, Taejon, South Korea. EM CR *KOR MIN SCI TECHN, 2004, SCI TECHN STAT IND O *MIN SCI TECHN KOR, 2003, REP SURV RES DEV KOR *NAT SCI BOARD, 2004, SCI ENG IND 2004 BRAUN T, 1992, SCIENTOMETRICS, V24, P181 BRAUN T, 1996, SCIENTOMETRICS, V36, P247 CZAPSKI G, 1992, SCIENTOMETRICS, V25, P381 DEB D, 1978, SCIENTOMETRICS, V1, P133 DEB D, 1978, SCIENTOMETRICS, V1, P231 DEB D, 1978, SCIENTOMETRICS, V1, P65 DEBRUIN RE, 1990, C SOC SOC STUD SCI FRAME JD, 1979, SOC STUD SCI, V9, P481 GLANZEL W, 2001, SCIENTOMETRICS, V51, P69 KIM MJ, 1999, J INFORM SCI, V25, P403 KIM MJ, 2000, J INFORM SCI, V26, P111 KIM MJ, 2001, SCIENTOMETRICS, V50, P503 KIM MJ, 2002, SCIENTOMETRICS, V55, P421 LUUKKONEN T, 1992, SCI TECHNOL, V17, P101 MILES E, 1972, TRANSNATIONAL RELATI, P252 MOED HF, 1991, SCIENTOMETRICS, V21, P291 NOMA E, 1986, SUBJECT CLASSIFICATI SCHUBERT A, 1990, SCIENTOMETRICS, V19, P3 NR 21 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 321 EP 339 PG 19 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100007 ER PT J AU Lewison, G Hartley, J TI What's in a title? Numbers of words and the presence of colons SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID TITULAR COLONICITY; SCHOLARSHIP; ARTICLES; JOURNALS; AUTHORS; LENGTH; IMPACT AB Much has been written about titles in scientific journal articles but little research has been carried out. We aimed to assess in two studies how factors like the length of a title and its structure might vary in different scientific fields, and whether or not these features have changed over time. Statistical analyses were made of 216,500 UK papers from science journals, and of 133,200 international oncology papers. Factors examined included title length, the use of colons in the titles, and the number of authors. All of these factors increased over time for both sets of papers, although there were some disciplinary differences in the findings. In both studies, titles with colons occurred more frequently with single than with multiple authors except when the numbers of co-authors were large. Certain features of titles can be related to different disciplines, different journals, the numbers of authors and their nationalities. C1 City Univ London, Dept Informat Sci, London EC1V 0HB, England. Keele Univ, Dept Psychol, Keele, Staffs, England. RP Lewison, G, City Univ London, Dept Informat Sci, London EC1V 0HB, England. EM CR ANTHONY L, 2001, IEEE T PROF COMMUN, V44, P187 BERKENKOTTER C, 1995, GENRE KNOWLEDGE DISC CRONIN B, 2001, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC, V52, P558 DAY RA, 1998, WRITE PUBLISH SCI PA DIERS D, 1994, NURS RES, V43, P316 DILLON JT, 1981, AM PSYCHOL, V36, P879 DILLON JT, 1982, AM PSYCHOL, V37, P716 FONTANET I, 1997, LENGUAS APLICADAS CI, P155 FONTANET I, 1998, PERSPECTIVAS PRAGUIE, P443 HALL GM, 2003, WRITE PAPER HARTLEY J, 2002, SCI COMMUN, V26, P188 HARTLEY J, 2003, J SCHOLARLY PUBL, V34, P108 HARTLEY J, 2005, J TECHNICAL WRITING, P35 HYLAND K, 2002, TEXT, V22, P529 KILGOUR FG, 2004, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC, V55, P74 KOSTOFF RN, 2004, INT J MED INFORM, V73, P515 KUTCH TDC, 1978, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V19, P200 LEWISON G, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V46, P529 LEWISON G, 2004, SCIENTOMETRICS, V60, P145 LIU Z, 2002, INFORMATION PROCESSI, V39, P889 MABE MA, 2002, ASLIB PROC, V54, P149 MEADOWS J, 1998, COMMUNICATING RES MICHELSON G, 1994, PSYCHOL REP, V74, P657 OCONNOR M, 1991, WRITING SUCCESSFULLY PERRY JA, 1985, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V36, P251 SWALES JM, 1994, ACAD WRITING GRADUAT TOWNSEND MAR, 1983, NZ J PSYCHOL, V12, P41 WHISSELL C, 2004, PSYCHOL REP 1, V94, P807 YITZHAKI M, 1994, SCIENTOMETRICS, V30, P321 YITZHAKI M, 2002, SCIENTOMETRICS, V54, P435 NR 30 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 341 EP 356 PG 16 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100008 ER PT J AU van Leeuwen, TN Moed, HF TI Characteristics of Journal Impact Factors: The effects of uncitedness and citation distribution on the understanding of journal impact factors SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID MEDICAL JOURNALS; INSTITUTE; SCIENCE; INDICATORS; CRITERION; QUALITY AB In this study, journal impact factors play a central role. In addition to this important bibliometric indicator, which evolves around the average impact of a journal in a two-year timeframe, related aspects of journal impact measurement are studied. Aspects like the output volume, the percentage of publications not cited, and the citation frequency distribution within a set timeframe are researched, and put in perspective with the 'classical' journal Impact Factor. In this study it is shown that these aspects of journal impact measurement play a significant role, and are strongly inter-related. Especially the separation between journals on the basis of the differences in output volume seems to be relevant, as can be concluded from the different results in the analysis of journal impact factors, the degree of uncitedness, and the share of a journal its contents above or below the impact factor value. C1 Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, CWTS, Leiden, Netherlands. RP van Leeuwen, TN, Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, CWTS, Leiden, Netherlands. EM CR ADAM D, 2002, NATURE, V415, P726 AMIN M, 2000, PERSPECTIVES PUBLISH, V1, P1 BONITZ M, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P361 BRODY S, 1995, LANCET, V346, P1300 FORREST MC, 1997, J CHEMOTHERAPY, V9, P3 GARFIELD E, 1998, UNFALLCHIRURG, V101, P413 GLANZEL W, 1988, J INFORM SCI, V14, P123 HANSEN HB, 1997, CLIN PHYSIOL, V17, P409 HANSSO S, 1995, LANCET, V346, P1172 HANSSON S, 1995, LANCET, V346, P906 JAIN A, 1998, SCIENTOMETRICS, V41, P357 LINARDI PM, 1996, BRAZ J MED BIOL RES, V29, P555 LINDNER UK, 1998, RADIOLOGE, V38, P1 LOWY C, 1997, LANCET, V350, P1035 MARSHAKOVASHAIKEVI, 1996, SCIENTOMETRICS, V35, P283 MOED HF, 1995, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V46, P461 MOED HF, 1996, NATURE, V381, P186 MOED HF, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V46, P575 OESTERN HJ, 1997, UNFALLCHIRURG, V100, P838 OREOPOULOS DG, 1999, PERITON DIALYSIS INT, V19, P5 PLAZA LM, 1998, TAXON, V47, P387 PLOUIN PF, 1996, ARCH MALADIES COUER, P1589 SEGLEN PO, 1992, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V43, P628 SRINIVASAN R, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P81 UGOLINI D, 1997, SCIENTOMETRICS, V38, P265 VANLEEUWEN TN, 1999, J INFORM SCI, V25, P489 ZITT M, 2003, SCIENTOMETRICS, V56, P259 NR 27 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 357 EP 371 PG 15 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100009 ER PT J AU Zitt, M Ramanana-Rahary, S Bassecoulard, E TI Relativity of citation performance and excellence measures: From cross-field to cross-scale effects of field-normalisation SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID IMPACT-FACTORS; SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS; INDICATORS; SCIENCE; DISTRIBUTIONS; PUBLICATION; QUALITY; SYSTEM AB As citation practices strongly depend on fields, field normalisation is recognised as necessary for fair comparison of figures in bibliometrics and evaluation studies. However fields may be defined at various levels, from small research areas to broad academic disciplines, and thus normalisation values are expected to vary. The aim of this project was to test the stability of citation ratings of articles as the level of observation - hence the basis of normalisation - changes. A conventional classification of science based on ISI subject categories and their aggregates at various scales was used, namely at five levels: all science, large academic discipline, sub-discipline, speciality and journal. Among various normalisation methods, we selected a simple ranking method (quantiles), based on the citation score of the article in each particular aggregate (journal, speciality, etc.) it belonged to at each level. The study was conducted on articles in the full SCI range, for publication year 1998 with a four-year citation window. Stability is measured in three ways: overall comparison of article rankings; individual trajectory of articles; survival of the top-cited class across levels. Overall rank correlations on the observed empirical structure are benchmarked against two fictitious sets that keep the same embedded structure of articles but reassign citation scores either in a totally ordered or in a totally random distribution. These sets act respectively as a 'worst case' and 'best case' for the stability of citation ratings. The results show that: (a) the average citation rankings of articles substantially change with the level of observation (b) observation at the journal level is very particular, and the results differ greatly in all test circumstances from all the other levels of observation (c) the lack of cross-scale stability is confirmed when looking at the distribution of individual trajectories of articles across the levels; (d) when considering the top-cited fractions, a standard measure of excellence, it is found that the contents of the 'top-cited' set is completely dependent on the level of observation. The instability of impact measures should not be interpreted in terms of lack of robustness but rather as the co-existence of various perspectives each having their own form of legitimacy. A follow-up study will focus on the micro levels of observation and will be based on a structure built around bibliometric groupings rather than conventional groupings based on ISI subject categories. C1 INRA, Lereco, Nantes, France. OST, Paris, France. RP Zitt, M, INRA, Lereco, Nantes, France. EM CR BARRE R, 2002, SCI TECHNOLOGY INDIC BASSECOULARD E, 1999, SCIENTOMETRICS, V44, P323 CZAPSKI G, 1997, SCIENTOMETRICS, V40, P437 EGGHE L, 2002, CAN J INFORM LIB SCI, V27, P29 FISHER D, 2001, MINERVA, V39, P299 GARFIELD E, 1986, CURR CONTENTS, P182 GLANZEL W, 2002, SCIENTOMETRICS, V53, P171 HAITUN SD, 1982, SCIENTOMETRICS, V4, P89 KATZ JS, 1999, RES POLICY, V28, P501 KOSTOFF RN, 2002, SCIENTOMETRICS, V53, P49 MARSHAKOVASHAIKEVI, 1996, SCIENTOMETRICS, V35, P283 MCROBERTS MH, 1989, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V40, P342 MOED HF, 2002, NATURE, V415, P731 MURUGESAN P, 1978, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V29, P141 NARIN F, 1978, EVALUATIVE BIBLIOMET PINSKI G, 1976, INFORMATION PROCESSI, V12, P297 RAMIREZ AM, 2000, SCIENTOMETRICS, V47, P3 SCHUBERT A, 1986, SCIENTOMETRICS, V9, P281 SCHUBERT A, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU, P137 SCHUBERT A, 1996, SCIENTOMETRICS, V36, P311 SEGLEN PO, 1997, ALLERGY, V52, P1050 SEN BK, 1992, J DOC, V48, P318 SIEGEL S, 1956, NONPARAMETRIC STAT B SMALL H, 1985, SCIENTOMETRICS, V7, P391 SOLARI A, 2000, SCIENTOMETRICS, V47, P605 TUSSEN RJW, 2002, SCIENTOMETRICS, V54, P381 VANRAAN AFJ, 2000, SCIENTOMETRICS, V47, P347 VANRAAN AFJ, 2001, SCIENTOMETRICS, V51, P347 VINKLER P, 2002, SCIENTOMETRICS, V53, P267 VINKLER P, 2004, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC, V55, P431 WASMER E, 2001, SEARCH SCI EXCELLENC ZITT M, 1994, SCIENTOMETRICS, V30, P333 ZITT M, 2003, SCIENTOMETRICS, V56, P259 NR 33 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 373 EP 401 PG 29 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100010 ER PT J AU De Marchi, M TI Nota bene - Reviewing some OECD's R&D definitions SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article AB The definitions of Experimental Development and Applied Research currently suggested by OECD bring about inconsistent R&D data. Here, coherent definitions, based on the criterion of generality, are proposed. C1 CNR, CERIS, CNR, Inst Res Firm & Dev,Res Sect Inst & Policies Sci, I-00185 Rome, Italy. RP De Marchi, M, CNR, CERIS, CNR, Inst Res Firm & Dev,Res Sect Inst & Policies Sci, Via Taurini 19, I-00185 Rome, Italy. EM CR *OECD, 2003, FRASC MAN DEMARCHI M, 1993, SCI PUBL POLICY, V20, P281 NR 2 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 2 BP 403 EP 405 PG 3 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 924RX UT ISI:000228999100011 ER PT J AU Chiu, WT Ho, YS TI Bibliometric analysis of homeopathy research during the period of 1991 to 2003 SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article ID MEDICINE AB Homeopathy has been applied to clinical use since it was first presented 200 years ago. The use of the bibilometric analysis technique for examining this topic does not exist in the literature. The objective of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of all homeopathy-related publications in Science Citation Index (SCI). A systematic search was performed using the SCI for publications during the period of 1991 to 2003. Selected documents included 'Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic, Homeopathy, or Homeopathic' as a part of the title, abstract, or keywords. Analyzed parameters included authorship, patterns of international collaboration, journal, language, document type, research address, number of times cited, and reprint author's address. Citation analysis was mainly based on the impact factor as defined by the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and on citations per publications (CPP), which is used to assess the impact relative to the entire field and is defined as the ratio between the average numbers of citations per publications in a certain period. Of total articles, 49% had a single author. The UK, the US, and Germany produced 71% of the total output, while European countries as a whole also contributed 65% of the total share of independent publications. English remains the dominant language, it comprised only 76%, while German contributed 18%, and the remaining where distributed among 8 European languages. More document types and languages, and fewer pages have appeared in homeopathy research. 3.5% of papers were cited more than 10 times in three years after publication, and 60% were never cited. Small-group collaboration was a popular method as co-authorship. The top 3 ranking countries of publication were the UK, the US, and Germany. The US dominated citation followed by the UK, and then Germany. In addition, a simulation model was applied to describe the relationship between the cumulative number of citations and the paper life. C1 Taipei Med Univ, Bibliometr Ctr, Wan Fang Hosp, Taipei 116, Taiwan. Taipei Med Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Taipei, Taiwan. RP Ho, YS, Taipei Med Univ, Bibliometr Ctr, Wan Fang Hosp, 111 Hsing Long Rd Sec 3, Taipei 116, Taiwan. EM CR *BURT GOLDB GROUP, 1993, ALT MED DEF GUID 199 BORDONS M, 1996, MED CLIN-BARCELONA, V106, P51 CHIU WT, 2004, SCIENTOMETRICS, V61, P69 EISENBERG DM, 1998, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V280, P1569 EVANS W, 2001, SCI COMMUN, V22, P292 KEATING JC, 1998, J MANIP PHYSIOL THER, V21, P539 LANCASTER FW, 1992, LIBRI, V42, P268 MARX W, 2003, SOLID STATE COMMUN, V127, P323 MESSINA MJ, 1994, NUTR CANCER, V21, P113 RIVAS AL, 1997, SCIENTOMETRICS, V40, P195 TUTOSAUS JD, 2001, REV ESP ENFERM DIG, V93, P452 UGOLINI D, 2003, EUR J CANCER, V39, P1888 WAKIJI EM, 1997, B MED LIBR ASSOC, V85, P284 ZHANG HQ, 1995, LIBRI, V45, P113 ZHANG HQ, 1997, INT FORUM INFORM DOC, V22, P38 NR 15 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 1 BP 3 EP 23 PG 21 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 917HT UT ISI:000228452400001 ER PT J AU Yu, GA Yu, DR Li, YJ TI A simulation study of the periodicals' publication delay control process SO SCIENTOMETRICS LA English DT Article AB According to the discrete model of periodical publication process, recurrence formulae of parameters of the process are gained and the initial conditions of control process parameters from one steady state to another are deduced. Using the variable separation approach, which is used generally to solve the partial differential equation, the recurrence computing formula of the publication probability function is deduced. First the publication delay increasing process caused by the accepted contribution flux increase is simulated, and then the publication delay decreasing processes under four different control means are simulated too. Finally it is demonstrated that the periodical publishing process is a strong inertia system and it is found that reducing the quantity of deposited contributions can shorten the publication delay. C1 Harbin Inst Technol, Sch Management, Heilongjiang 150001, Peoples R China. Harbin Inst Technol, Sch Energy, Harbin, Peoples R China. RP Yu, GA, Harbin Inst Technol, Sch Management, 17 Silin St, Heilongjiang 150001, Peoples R China. EM CR EGGHE L, 2000, J AM SOC INFORM SCI, V51, P158 FAN YL, 2001, MATLAB SIMULATION AP GARFIELD E, 1999, CAN MED ASSOC J, V161, P979 LIANG HB, 1998, ADV CYBERNETICS LIANG K, 1998, METHODS MATH PHYS LUWEL M, 1998, SCIENTOMETRICS, V41, P26 MARCHI MD, 2001, SCIENTOMETRICS, V51, P395 TRIVEDI PK, 1993, J APPL ECONOM, V8, P93 YU G, 1996, J CHINA SOC SCI TECH, V15, P146 YU G, 1998, J CHINA SOC SCI TECH, V17, P74 YU G, 2000, INFORM PROCESS MANAG, V36, P401 YU G, 2004, SCIENTOMETRICS, V60, P121 NR 12 TC 0 PU SPRINGER PI DORDRECHT PA VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS SN 0138-9130 J9 SCIENTOMETRICS JI Scientometrics PD APR PY 2005 VL 63 IS 1 BP 25 EP 38 PG 14 SC Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science GA 917HT UT ISI:000228452400002 ER