Software > Simple Graph Match Algorithm Description | Pros and Cons | Applications | Details | Usage Hints | References | Acknowledgments
Networks are represented as graphs with nodes and edges. In a network setting, an interaction within nodes is shown by a connecting edge. For example, network of authors, friends, proteins etc. Given two networks with similar information content, a common approach is to identify the shared content.
Simple match is a string matching algorithm. It is a quick way to identify the common information content within the two networks. Presently the algorithm is not restricted to any particular network size. The algorithm does not favor structural match. So it cannot be used to identify similar structure that exists within two given networks.
It is general graph matching algorithm that can be used to map systems that can be represented as graphs.
The algorithm is implemented is Perl. The algorithm accepts network files in pajek format (.net) having vertices and arcs information. It performs a search for common nodes within the two networks. The resultant file is a pajek file with over-lapping and non-overlapping information which can be directly visualized in Pajek. This kind of visualization is more suitable for a small size networks.
To run Output file can be fed to Pajek to obtain the visualization.
This documentation was compiled by Ketan Mane and Katy Börner. . |